
Mike Brown

Lead Pastor of West Florida Baptist Church, Milton, FL 

I have had the privilege of knowing Ben and Ashli Baucum for more than ten years now and have served with them for six of those years. When I became the pastor of WFBC, Ben was the first person that I hired on our pastoral staff. He served as Assistant Pastor and was responsible for our music ministry, missions program, outreach and follow-up among many other things. He truly was my right arm for many years and served God and the people of WFBC with all his heart.

The biggest thing that always stood out to me about Ben and Ashli is their heart for missions. Ben grew up on the mission field in Hong Kong and China and already speaks fluent Mandarin. You could see his passion for missions in the way he oversaw our Missions Program and the level of care and concern he placed on our missionaries. Both he and Ashli have always been open-minded to the possibility of God calling them to a foreign field, so I was not surprised at all when Ben sat me down and told me that God was making it clear that He was leading them in that direction.

I am writing this letter to give my full endorsement for Ben and Ashli and the call God has placed on their lives to go to Hong Kong. Ben is uniquely qualified due to already knowing the language and the culture of the people he grew up with. He is as prepared and ready to Pastor a church as you can be. My prayer is that you will take them on for support and help them get to the field as quickly as possible.

Ryan Thompson

Lead Pastor of Liberty Baptist Church, Newport Beach, CA 

It is my privilege to recommend Ben and Ashli Baucum to you for consideration of missions support as they move to the field of Hong Kong. Ben and Ashli began attending Liberty in high school/college. They are both active members of our church, and have been a tremendous blessing through the years that they and their families have served here.


Ben and Ashli are a proven, experienced ministry family. Ben is a second generation missionary, having grown up on the field in Hong Kong and mainland China where his parents served for 40+ years. He understands the culture, can speak the language, and will be able to make an immediate impact upon arrival to the field.


Would you consider helping this dear family fulfill the work that God has given them to do? If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Dwight Tomlinson

Founder and Director of Barnabas1040 Missions 

It is my pleasure to recommend Ben and Ashli Baucum as missionaries to Hong Kong, China. Ben was born in Hong Kong and speaks both Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese. He will be uniquely prepared to begin a fruitful ministry as soon as he arrives on the field. He will not need the traditional 2 or 3 years of language study nor will he struggle with culture shock as much as he would had he not grown up in China.

Ashli is a dedicated wife and mother who is also a huge asset to her husbands ministry. Ben and Ashli have served in full time ministry at local independent Baptist churches in California and Florida and they have excellent testimonies wherever they have been. They are both sincere soul winners who love God and love people. They would be an asset to any churches missionary family.

I strongly urge our Missions minded Pastors to help this couple and their children get to Hong Kong as quickly as possible. 

Thank you and God Bless you as you prayerfully consider partnering with the Baucum family.