About US

We're the baucums

Ben had the great privilege of growing up in China, raised by faithful missionaries. He speaks both Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese.

He completed an internship through the Chinese ministry of Liberty Baptist Church in Newport Beach, CA while attending West Coast Baptist College, where he graduated in 2011. 

Ben and Ashli met at LBC and were married in 2013. They served in various ministries and had the special opportunity to lead a Chinese college ministry in Santa Ana, CA. 

God moved them to Pensacola, FL and in 2015 they completely surrendered to God's will, wherever that might lead. By 2016, they prayed, "Lord, if you want us in full-time ministry, put us there".  

Within a few months, Pastor Mike Brown (unaware of their specific prayer for ministry) invited Ben to join the pastoral staff of West Florida Baptist Church in Milton, FL. With excitement and prayer, Ben accepted the Assistant Pastor position.

Over the next 6 years in Milton, FL, the Lord blessed their family with four precious children.

In October 2021, with WFBC thriving, the Baucums attended a family missions conference in California. They left those meetings with a question resonating in their hearts: 

"There are Christians ready to take our place in Florida. Who will take our place in China?" 

meet the baucum kids

Levi, 8

Titus, 5

Jude, 3

Selah, 1

Salvation Testimonies


I had the privilege of being born and raised in China by faithful missionaries. I heard the Gospel throughout childhood but when I was 12 years old, I recognized myself as separated from God by sin and put my whole trust in Christ's death and resurrection. 


While I wasn’t raised in church, my parents prioritized sending me to a local Christian elementary school. For three years, I heard the Gospel presented every morning in Bible class. One stormy evening, I remember flipping TV channels in my room. I landed on a classic Bible epic depicting the crucifixion of Christ. It was at that moment I turned on my bed and prayed. I cried and thanked God for His sacrifice for me and asked for forgiveness.

our story:

Hong Kong

After attending the missions conference in CA, we again found ourselves praying: "Lord, if you want us in missions, put us there". 

We asked God, wherever He led our family, to provide a group of Christians with whom to serve. 

In September 2022, God answered that request. We received a call from native-born, Hong Kong Pastor Peter Shek, asking Ben to consider meeting with a small church in Hong Kong. Lighthouse Baptist Church in Yuen Long, Hong Kong had been without a pastor for 2 years. 

After many hours of prayer, discussion with trusted counselors, and Zoom meetings with the Lighthouse family, we visited the church in April 2023. They voted to call Ben as their pastor two weeks after our visit.

What an incredible setup we have to spread the Gospel in Yuen Long! While the church can't fully support a pastor, they're a group of 30 solid believers with a heart ready and eager to reach their city. 

We're sent to reach Hong Kong by our home churches Liberty Baptist Church in Newport Beach, CA and West Florida Baptist Church in Milton, FL.